Sunday, May 28, 2023

30-days of Bookstagram Content Ideas

30-days of Bookstagram Content Ideas

If you're looking for some fresh ideas to give your Bookstagram a boost, this post has got you covered.

Here, you'll find a 30-day challenge with simple prompts to help keep your posts creative and consistent. Whether you're stuck in a rut or just need a little inspiration, these daily ideas should give you plenty to work with.

Once you've read the 30-day content ideas, be sure to check out +45 Caption Ideas for Bookstagram to complete your new and beautiful Bookstagram post!:)

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30-Days of Booksagram content

1. Photo of your current TBR.
2. Share a photo of your current TBR (to-be-read) stack.
3. Recommendation based on a specific theme (e.g., summer reads, fantasy novels).
4. Showcase your favorite bookish merchandise.
5. Share a photo of your reading nook or cozy spot.
6. Share a bookish pet photo or a reading companion
7. Feature a book with an intriguing plot twist.
8. Post a book review with your thoughts and rating.
9. Create a bookstagram poll or ask your followers for book recommendations.
10. Share your favorite book quote and explain why it resonates with you
11. Recommend a classic book and explain why it's a must-read.
12. Participate in a book tag challenge and tag other bookstagrammers.
13. Post a photo of your favorite bookmark.
14. Reflect on your bookstagram journey and express gratitude to your followers.
15. Share a book-to-movie adaptation you enjoyed.
16. Post a photo of your current read with a cup of coffee or tea.
17. Recommend a non-fiction book.
18. Create a bookish meme or quote graphic and share it.
19. Share a photo of your bookshelf.
20. Highlight a book with an inspiring female protagonist.
21. Highlight a debut author and their book.
22. Post a photo of a book that you consider a hidden gem.
23. Feature a book with a diverse protagonist or from an own-voices author.
24. Share a photo of your book journal or reading tracker.
25. Feature a book with a beautifully written romance or love story.
26. Share a book-related event or author signing you attended.
27. Recommend a book that made you laugh out loud.
28. Host a book giveaway and announce the winner.
29. Post a photo of a book with an unusual or unique narrative structure.
30. End the month by sharing your favorite book you read during the month and why.

Feel free to adapt or modify these ideas to suit your personal style and interests. Happy bookstagramming!

Bookstagram Post Ideas




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